Book burning just makes you look like an ass

Some Christian moron plans on burning Qur’ans on Saturday September 11th. Like other stupid Christian fundamentalists he has no real reason to do it but just because he can and he feels he should. I have no love for any religion but book burning? Really? You know who else burned books? Hitler.

Many religious and political leaders from all different religions have asked the moron in Florida not to have the event. Even the Pope asked him to cancel the show.

The event will could cause some problems with US troops in Afghanistan. General David Petraeus, commander of the forces there said:

Gen. David Petraeus warned Tuesday in an e-mail to The Associated Press that “images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence.” It was a rare example of a military commander taking a position on a domestic political matter.

Pressure rises on pastor who wants to burn Quran

It is true that national coverage of the Christian moron’s obvious disrespect will be used to incite more violence toward US troops and could also increase recruitment of insurgents.

What also pisses off Afghanis? US troops killing innocent civilians. But that is a different story…

Back to the Christian moron burning books. You know who also burned books? Hitler and the Nazis.

That’s why it is a bad idea. You can disagree with the contents, like I do, but burning a Qur’an makes no sense and is a cheap publicity stunt that might actually help get some soldiers killed in the long run. Book burning is also one of the first steps to dehumanizing a group of people and that can lead to other nasty events happening to that group of people.

There may not be a law against the burning but we don’t need to give the creep any more publicity for his moronic event. That is why I refuse to mention his name or the name of his church.

I wish the other media would do the same.


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