Tag: Jon Stewart

February 15, 2024

We explore the controversial subject of police conduct, particularly in situations where an individual seeks to commit ‘suicide by cop.’ We then shift to the media’s fixation on President Biden’s age, questioning why it garners such attention and criticizing how coverage distracts from more substantive political discourse. Finally, we share our thoughts on the disappointing return of John Stewart to the Daily Show and how he plays into unneeded political equivocation.

May 20, 2011

David Barton appeared on “The Daily Show” on May 4th and I sighed. David Barton is a SELF-TAUGHT historian and favorite of the cheap labor religious right conservatives. He has been involved in re-writing history text books in the Texas state school system, and testifying to state legislatures and Congress. Luckily “The Daily Show” had a real scholar on the other night to counter Barton’s false view of history.

July 9, 2010
December 12, 2008

Mike Huckabee appeared on The Daily Show to shuck his new book “Do the Right Thing” which, when boiled down, says if we all treated others as we would like to be treated then the world would be full of snow cones and candy canes. Then he talks out of the other side of his mouth trying to justify treating gay people as second class citizens. It’s the same old story of “do as I say not as I do” when he tries to sell his Jesus principle to the TDS audience.