Tag: weather

October 5, 2017

The world is an opportunistic place. As Steve Jobs famously implied, in order to sell something, in order to manipulate a desired response from someone else, you need to be speaking the language of emotions. Whether fear, desire or shame, empires have been built on exploiting the base emotional reactions of other humans, and in some cases, monetizing them.

You could argue that religion, the oldest form of politics, is one place where appealing to people’s insecurities is customary — whether promising satisfaction of carnal desires or immortality through reincarnation of your true essence. In a time where secularism is on the rise, it is natural that more and more individuals who subscribe to a religion will want to prove its relevance and importance, and objectify just about anything to do so. It’s only natural to see and hear the scaremongers.

February 16, 2011

Minnesota State Rep. Mike Beard is a cheap labor conservative and pro-business who denies climate change is a problem so he wants to lift the moratorium on coal-fired power plants in Minnesota. Of course he doesn’t as most cheap labor conservatives don’t think climate change is a problem. But then he had to base his views on his religion.