Mayor who supports public display of Nativity scene issues resolution honoring Darwin

The Humanist Community of Central Ohio, based in Columbus, decided to do something extra to help celebrate Darwin Day on February 12th. Darwin Day honors Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) who wrote the first book about Evolution (On The Origin of Species) in 1859.

HCCO sent letters to the mayors of several Central Ohio cities and asked for a proclamation recognizing February 12th as Darwin Day in their city. Mayors issue proclamations as way to give special recognition to various groups and ideas. It is common practice for a mayor to issue one in recognition of the National Day of Prayer.

One of the responses was a surprise.

Mayor Robert L. McPherson of Reynoldsburg, OH was the first mayor to declare Darwin Day.

Read the Proclamation here

Readers of the blog will remember that McPherson wants to display a donated Nativity scene on the lawn of Reynoldsburg city hall. See: Reynoldsburg, OH Mayor Ignores Law on Holiday Scenes – Again

Now of course one can support the science Darwin wrote about AND believe in God, but I thought it was ironic the mayor would do it. He was the last one I thought would.

Equally surprising was that Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman, one time Democratic candidate for Governor, declined to issue a Darwin Day proclamation. He had no problem issuing a proclamation for Rev. Rod Parsley’s Ohio Restoration Project group back in October.

*Update – 2/11/2006 – Mayor Coleman instead issued a proclamation to honor the birthday of inventor Thomas Edison. Coleman’s office worked out the “compromise” with HCCO when the office thought proclaiming a Darwin Day would be too controversial.

Read the Edison proclamation here


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