Tag: church and state

June 29, 2022

What is the long term fall out now that the right to privacy is in danger with end of Roe v Wade and how can this turn out worse for the Democrats. We also take a look the ramifications of the Football coach prayer case that also helps Christian Nationalists.

May 9, 2022
April 7, 2022
August 31, 2021

In this episode Doug is kind of happy that Greg Epstien is now head of the Chaplains of Harvard University but he still has trouble believing that interfaith work really includes the non-believer. Then Doug talks about a recent study that showed ending the $300 extra unemployment benefit didn’t cause a flood of lazy cheeto eating slackers to go back to work. It just one more proof that ignoring science will prolong the pandemic.

February 25, 2021

In this episode Doug talks to Nick Little, Legal Director of the Center for Inquiry, about several recent federal court decisions that ignore science and logic to allow churches to ignore public health orders during this pandemic. Where is the irreparable harm from a limit to the number of people allowed to particpate in an in-person church service. Nick explains how this all started with the Hobby Lobby contraceptive case and we will be living with it for some time to come.

April 27, 2020