Tag: public schools

August 17, 2022

Two Ohio families spent a lot of money and time to complain about a new plan to bus their young children to their catholic school. They cited some recent US Supreme Court 1st amendment cases but in the end a judge used her gut feeling in helping protect the family’s privilege.

April 25, 2022
April 7, 2022
October 9, 2021
August 15, 2021

In this episode, Doug is fed up with the idiot science deniers who keep pushing mask and vaccination mandate bans. Doug hates wearing a mask too but their failed logic, and that is being kind, will prolong the pandemic and harm people needlessly. Why do the people who do the right thing have to carry the petulant children who kick and stomp their feet. Enough is enough.

June 18, 2021

In this episode Doug goes into excuciating detail about two proposed Ohio laws that would prohibit the teaching or even acknowldgement of racism and sexism because it makes the people who’ve benifited from both very sad. Next Doug tells the story about the latest fight over abortion happening in a empty parking lot in Toledo. We also get introduced to the new theme music used for the show.