Category: Entanglement

January 6, 2024
December 2, 2023

Our guest is Andrew Seidel, vice president of strategic communications for Americans United. Andrew is a seasoned attorney and ardent defender of the First Amendment. He is author of the book “American Crusade: How the Supreme Court is Weaponizing Religious Freedom” and he shares some thoughts about our new Speaker of the House Michael Johnson

August 21, 2023

Why is Lucas County Land Bank ignoring the community about what to do with St. Anthony church? While Governor Dewine teams up with Catholic Bishops to oppose reproductive rights in Ohio a Texas court allows chemical abortions to continue. Ohio State Senator Theresa Gaverone had a photo op at a local public school while still supporting diverting a billion dollars to unaccountable private schools.

August 3, 2023

We probe into the intriguing life and ideologies of Professor Lee Strang. He is a Christian Nationalist law professor who is the go to guy for the Ohio GOP when they need conservative justifications for hurting the people of Ohio with their extremist legislation. Strang also believes the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to atheists or secular humanists.

July 5, 2023
June 20, 2023

Rep. Marcy Kaptur swooped into town in 2018 to save her childhood Catholic church from demoltion. She promised to find a use for it for the struggling surrounding Junction neighborhood. Five years and many community meetings later the best they can come up with is a rock climbing gym? We also look at recent removal of objectional material from classic media properties. Who gets to decide? Finally we explore the collution of two religious hate groups bent on harming the LGBTQ+ community.