As the Ohio Legislature barrels through their end of session lame duck time, all the religious zealots are trying to get their pet bills rammed through as if no one is paying attention. One such proposed law would force local public schools to allow Lifewise Academy to indoctrinate young children into their true religion without any guidelines or enforcement when they abuse their privilege.
Category: Groups
Christian Nationalists like Joel Penton and LifeWise Academy are like real life versions of Terminators – they can’t be reasoned with and they will force themselves on public school children. We hear from two parents who decided enough was enough and are the subject of intimidation tactics, by LifeWise, that seem like they are copied from the Mafia and like all Christian nationalists they are..
Find out how a 10-year-old Ohio law ignited a massive and well-funded effort to inject the Holy Bible into public schools. And then we talk about an Ohio State Representative who wants to punish cities who support abortion access, contrary to the recent Abortion Rights Amendment passed by a majority of Ohioans.

Former American Atheists President David Silverman was fired in 2018 for violating internal policies of the group. At the same time it came out he was a terrible person to a couple of women. Now David is back in public after being hired by Atheist Alliance International. As much as he squawked about getting fired and denying the intent of his sexual harassment of women, his life hasn’t been ruined and he still doesn’t deserve due process.