I made some updates to Secular Left that you might be interested in. A big change is moving the blogroll links previously seen on every page, to a new “Church & State FAQ” page. Also on the page is some basic information about the separation of church and state with links to websites and groups that support the issue for more information. After that information are the blogroll links – blogs and other websites that may or may not deal specifically with church state issues but may be of interest to the reader.
You can access the new page by click on “Church & State FAQ” link in the menu bar at the top of the page or you can click here.
Category: Miscellaneous
I received an e-mail from Robert Meyer, who writes editorials on the RenewAmerica website. I have responded to a couple of his previous articles. One was concerning elected officials praying for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and the other was his article about the “war on Christmas”. Earlier on Monday, I got a Google alert on “secular left” and found an article by Meyer, offering his views on this blog and my POV.
I think it is appropriate to give a review on his review
Press release from The Secular Coalition for America announces the addition of Dr. Michael Newdow and Julia Sweeney to its advisory board.
American Atheists, in an article posted on their site on Saturday March 25th, discussed a report that will be published in American Sociological Review, by researchers at the University of Minnesota. The research is part of the American Mosaic Project which monitors attitudes of the population in respect to minority groups. Researchers concluded: “Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in ‘sharing their vision of American society.’ Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry.” Very interesting reading if it proves some of the points I made in my last post about the myth of Christian persecution in the US.
Several states are working on laws to limit protestors at solider funerals. The protestors aren’t ultra liberals mad at President Bush for leading us to war in Iraq. The protestors the law is directed at are religious conservatives led by crazy Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. Phelps group shows up at funerals of soldiers who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan and protest that the troops have died as punishment from God aimed at the US which harbors homosexuals.