Category: Politics

February 27, 2024
February 15, 2024

We explore the controversial subject of police conduct, particularly in situations where an individual seeks to commit ‘suicide by cop.’ We then shift to the media’s fixation on President Biden’s age, questioning why it garners such attention and criticizing how coverage distracts from more substantive political discourse. Finally, we share our thoughts on the disappointing return of John Stewart to the Daily Show and how he plays into unneeded political equivocation.

January 27, 2024
October 25, 2023
October 11, 2023

We talk Ohio politics with the Rooster, DJ Byrnes. He is a renowned video blogger and former political candidate, known for his audacity in unveiling the political landscape of Ohio and who sparks fear in the religious zealots infecting the Ohio Statehouse.

September 13, 2023

Christian nationalists are pulling out all the stops to sabotage the upcoming vote on abortion rights in Ohio. They are being obtuse, misinforming, and outright lying about the proposed amendment to fearmonger and manipulate your emotions. A recent social media post by a group that claims it is non-partisan is a pure example of religious bias masquerading as voter information.