Category: Social Justice

January 21, 2023

Republicans take over the US House and immediately use the mythical debt ceiling to demand cuts to social security and medicare. Landlords in Maumee Ohio don’t like regulations to make their housing safe and affordable and did you know abortion bans violate the separation of church and state.

November 22, 2022

A majority of Ohioans didn’t support the relection of Governor Mike Dewine or any of the GOP office holders and the GOP wants to keep it that way by making it harder to vote. Do you know the difference between Critical Thinking and Confirmation Bias?

October 26, 2022

For our 50th episode we look at religious opposition to equality efforts where we have to state again, religious freedom is not pie. Then we explain simply why government policies to address racism isn’t racist. Finally we look at one local political ad that is an outright lie and showing the ad hurts democracy.

September 6, 2022

Doug points out what podcaster Tanner Campbell got wrong about his old remembered complaints over Atheism Plus. Then Doug gives an update about the Sylvania Bus Dispute and his thoughts on the remaking of CNN into FOX “news” Lite.

July 15, 2022

We explore Justice Clarence Thomas’ Black Nationalism in his college years and how his thoughts on racism sounds like critical race theory. Then we talk to an abortion clinic volunteer about the loss of religious freedom from overturning Roe v Wade.

June 9, 2022