Tag: abortion

May 12, 2024
September 13, 2023

Christian nationalists are pulling out all the stops to sabotage the upcoming vote on abortion rights in Ohio. They are being obtuse, misinforming, and outright lying about the proposed amendment to fearmonger and manipulate your emotions. A recent social media post by a group that claims it is non-partisan is a pure example of religious bias masquerading as voter information.

March 26, 2023

In Ohio, a proposed amendment to protect abortion was allowed to start collecting signatures. Meanwhile, the forced-birth zealots are spending $5 million dollars to lie to Ohio voters about the amendment and their friends at the state house want to change the rules. Why do Republicans hate democracy??

January 21, 2023

Republicans take over the US House and immediately use the mythical debt ceiling to demand cuts to social security and medicare. Landlords in Maumee Ohio don’t like regulations to make their housing safe and affordable and did you know abortion bans violate the separation of church and state.

July 15, 2022

We explore Justice Clarence Thomas’ Black Nationalism in his college years and how his thoughts on racism sounds like critical race theory. Then we talk to an abortion clinic volunteer about the loss of religious freedom from overturning Roe v Wade.

June 29, 2022

What is the long term fall out now that the right to privacy is in danger with end of Roe v Wade and how can this turn out worse for the Democrats. We also take a look the ramifications of the Football coach prayer case that also helps Christian Nationalists.