A new group looks to complete a census of secular Americans who are usually under-counted by religious-centric demographic surveys. American Secular Census is an independent national registry of demographic and viewpoint data recorded from secular adult Americans covering those who are skeptical of supernatural claims. One reason such a census is needed and why secular Americans should participate is what happens in a Washington D.C. that is overly influenced by the religious right.
Tag: election
Rudi Giuliani failed the so-called “value voters” litmus test so why is the leadership of the religious right threatening to support a 3rd party candidate? Because it would be worse to support a known loser who wouldn’t even be nominated for the GOP ticket.
There was an interesting story on CNN on Wednesday. It seems that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) wants his fellow Democrats to court the votes of Christian Evangelicals – who seem to be in the pocket of Republicans more often than not. Such talk causes me to pause because I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. What exactly does Obama mean when he said “Not every mention of God in public is a breach to the wall of separation. Context matters…”
I had an e-mail land in my box today that could be one of the smoking guns that proves Rev. Russell Johnson of the Fairfield Christian Church and Ohio Restoration Project is electioneering for Ken Blackwell, who is running for Governor and hopes to be the Republican nominee this fall. It seems Johnson sent a link to a Blackwell campaign video to members of his church and his staff. His note infers that a vote for Blackwell will help “ministers and Christians in America… repent of cowardice in the face of the enemy by allowing our nation to be taken hostage to secular myths”.