I was looking through the TV listings on Monday when I came across strange programing for the ABC Family channel. They had the “700 Club” on between a show that glorifies teen pregnancy.
Tag: Pat Robertson
Jacques Berlinerblau says uppity atheists need to shut up. Berlinerblau is one of us – a nonbeliever. He is on the advisory panel of the Secular Web run by the Internet Infidels and he wrote the book “The Secular Bible: Why Nonbelievers Must Take Religion Seriously”. Say it ain’t so, Jacques.
The Washington Post published a story today that talked about the slow death of the Christian Coalition. It seems that due to Pat Robertson’s big mouth and a settlement with the IRS over violations of their tax exemption, the CC is in debt and people are leaving the group in droves.
In the next post of Secular Left: On Thursday January 5th, the news was filled with the comments made by evangelist Pat Robertson on his TV show the 700 Club. On the program Pat says that the stroke suffered by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was “divine retribution for the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.” The ironic thing is that while many would indeed say and have said Robertson is crazy, yet no one seems to question the God talk when it is done at times of trouble even though it is not rational either.