In this episode, Doug takes a look at political polarization, which many people feel is a threat to our democracy. We take a look at two projects that think talking things out will lead to shiny happy people, rainbows, and unicorns.
Tag: public policy

The Secular Coalition For America (SCA) is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization that lobbies our elected officials in Washington and now they want to expand into Ohio to cover state and local political issues of interest to secular Ohioans. I have volunteered as co-chair to form the Ohio chapter. We need your help.

VP Joe Biden & Rep. Paul Ryan
Thursday nights Vice Presidential debate between current VP Joe Biden and GOP nominee Rep. Paul Ryan contained topics from domestic issues and foreign affairs. Toward the end of the night debate moderator Martha Raddatz asked, since both men are of the Catholic faith, about abortion. Each man’s answer drew a sharp contrast on the relationship between faith and public policy. I thought Vice President Biden had the correct view.
This is from a transcript hosted by the website Plunderbund but I did view the debate and vouch for the text in this transcript: