The 2024 election is not that far off. Recent polls have Trump ahead of Biden. How can that be? There is a reason some can’t quit Trump and it isn’t anxiety over the economy no matter how often the political press says it is. We know what the elephant in the room looks like. He’s Orange and he’s human garbage.
Tag: racism
We update a local school busing dispute, look at the data about Ohio’s school voucher expansion, then we talk about the 2024 Ohio Primary election results that was good for the racists
The 2024 primary election season is reaching a crescendo here in Ohio, 3 rich republican white guys running for Congress can’t stop using racist rhetoric in their campaign advertisements. We also look at one ad that claims, falsely, that one of the rich white guy is a liberal to prove once again lying in campaigns is legally if not ethically ok.
We take a look at Michele Tafoya’s white fragility enabled by Tucker Carlson then we look at the Ohio GOP trying to pick their own voters.
In this episode, we talk to Christophe Difo and Sean Prophet, hosts of The Radical Secular. We talk about where they came from, how they got started, and what kind of topics they discuss on their podcast. We also discuss unjust hierarchies and how that relates to social justice and what is happening in our national politics today.
In this episode Doug goes into excuciating detail about two proposed Ohio laws that would prohibit the teaching or even acknowldgement of racism and sexism because it makes the people who’ve benifited from both very sad. Next Doug tells the story about the latest fight over abortion happening in a empty parking lot in Toledo. We also get introduced to the new theme music used for the show.