Tag: secular voters

October 27, 2024
November 19, 2020

In this episode Doug gets schooled on the Secular Voices Survey by Dr. Juhem Navarro-Rivera from Socioanalitica Research. Secular voters are more than atheist and agnostic and they are more political and more progressive than white Christian nationalists. Secular voters also are more concerned about the response to COVID-19. Dr. Navarro-Rivera also touches on the Latinx vote. Voters for Trump tended to come from countries where they were richer and a higher social class than Latinx voters in Arizona which went for Biden.

August 21, 2016
image of the logo for secular vote

The Secular Coalition for America (SCA) released its 2016 Presidential Voter Guides on Thursday August 18th. It consisted of eight areas of concern for the secular community and what each candidate said about those values, if available. The first two guides were for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and, as no surprise, Clinton was given an ‘A’ rating while Trump got an ‘F’.

August 12, 2014
logo for Secular Majority

Today marks the opening of the Secular Majority project. Secular Majority is ‘an independent, non-partisan, grassroots network of organizers, activists, and voters with the mission of identifying, supporting, and aiding in the election of qualified candidates committed to secular government and civic equality for Secular Americans’. The time has come to have an independent grassroots group who’s goal is to let secular voters know which candidates support their values.