I was shocked when I learned that new Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard doesn’t believe in God. This is why I need to live either in Europe or Australia since they aren’t hung up on their politicians and religion. What shocked me even more is she was quoted in an interview by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and it was made public. Good on her and Australia.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she has no intention of pretending to believe in God to attract religiously-inclined voters.
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd was a regular at Canberra church services and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is known as a devout Catholic.
In contrast, Ms Gillard says that while she greatly respects other people’s religious views, she does not believe in God.
Ms Gillard has been quizzed on personal topics including her attitude to religion and her relationship with her partner during interviews this morning.
She says does not go through religious rituals for the sake of appearance.
“I am not going to pretend a faith I don’t feel,” she said.
“I am what I am and people will judge that.
*Update* After posting this entry I heard that PM Gillard is opposed to gay marriage. Below is a quote and link to a newspaper article that confirms her view. While I am happy that she is an atheist, there isn’t a valid secular reason to oppose gay marriage. Tax implications and protecting children are red herrings and have roots in religious bigotry.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she does not support legalising gay marriage in Australia.
Labor policy on gay marriage will remain the same under her prime ministership, Ms Gillard told Austereo show today.
“We believe the marriage act is appropriate in its current form, that is recognising that marriage is between a man and a woman, but we have as a government taken steps to equalise treatment for gay couples,” Ms Gillard said.
Advertisement: Story continues belowAsked if that was also her personal view, Ms Gillard said it was.
Maybe one day we will have the perfect atheist elected official.
"Ms Gillard has been quizzed on personal topics including her attitude to religion and her relationship with her partner during interviews this morning."
It is ridiculous. People care more about the fact that she is unmarried, childless and godless than about any of her policies. It's pathetic.
Good on her for sticking to her guns though. I thought she would have folded in order to secure the Christian vote, keeping up the tradition of the weekly appearance in church, cameras and all.
I added an update to this post today 6/30. It seems the Prime Minister is opposed to gay marriage. This seriously disappoints me.
My recent post Copenhagen Declaration on Religion in Public Life
Yes I'd have to agree. I dunno about anyone else but it came as a bit of a shock to me…
The arrogant person ‘knows’ they are correct; ‘knows’ their opinions and views are the truth. They need no assistance from others; it is the other who needs assistance and direction from them.
Those to whom much has been given sometimes suffer from arrogance; or rather the people around them suffer.
Arrogance is doubly a pity, because the talents of the arrogant serve primarily themselves. The arrogant assumes their views and opinions are The Truth. In arrogance, natural confidence goes sadly awry.
For a ruling political leader to declare publicly, that whilst they greatly respect other people’s religious views, they do not believe in God – even though “I grew up in the Christian church, a Christian background. I won prizes for catechism, for being able to remember Bible verses. I am steeped in that tradition, but I’ve made decisions in my adult life about my own views”, seems terribly arrogant indeed.
Terribly arrogant and sad of Miss Gillard (Australia’s first female Prime Minister) to openly declare that she knows God – but she doesn’t need Him. But then again it begs asking if The Prime Minister personally KNOWS GOD or just ‘about’ Him’?
Awfully arrogant yourself since you assume to KNOW God… do you really??? What does He actually think about PM Gillard?
you ask a very easy question to answer: God in infinite love is terribly saddened that Ms. Gillard has turned away and denied Him…… He will always be there – available should/when Ms. Gillard turns (returns) to Him in love and sorrow seeking repentence.
Like I said awfully arrogant – speaking for God and all. He knows about this blog and I would want to hear from Him directly on using this comment section.
My recent post Copenhagen Declaration on Religion in Public Life
Did you actually read the link http://www.successandfailure.net/blog/2010/07/02/…
and see that I was not simply 'victimising' Ms. Gillard?
And you don't see the pot calling the kettle black at all?
"The arrogant person ‘knows’ they are correct; ‘knows’ their opinions and views are the truth. They need no assistance from others; it is the other who needs assistance and direction from them."
My recent post Copenhagen Declaration on Religion in Public Life
Everyone believes in something. The left worships big government. She is a leftist politician. So there is no surprise her. I'm OK with it since I don't believe in her or her politics.
"Leftist" must mean something different over in Australia then it does here in the states because some of her policy choices I've read about would not be leftist here.
My recent post Right wing wants religious freedom as long it only includes Christianity
Check out the Swedish PM, Fredrik Reinfeldt. Atheist and pro-equal rights.
I can not stand the sight of Gillard [remainder censored by blog editor – you can dislike the person but calls for violence is not welcome – dlb]