Campus groups can’t exclude people and still get funding

The US Supreme Court ruled today that college groups can’t discriminate in its membership if the college has a non-discrimination policy. The Christian Legal Society, which excluded gays from membership, sued a law school after it refused to give it official campus funding and recognition.

The vote was 5 to 4. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the majority opinion:

“In requiring CLS – in common with all other student organizations – to choose between welcoming all students and forgoing the benefits of official recognition, we hold, Hastings did not transgress constitutional limitations,” said Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who wrote the 5-4 majority opinion for the court’s liberals and moderate Anthony Kennedy. “CLS, it bears emphasis, seeks not parity with other organizations, but a preferential exemption from Hastings’ policy.”

Christian Group Can’t Bar Gays, Get Funding At Hastings College, Court Says

Basically the college’s rule didn’t prevent the Christian Legal Society from keeping its beliefs. The group has to allow everyone in if it wants funding and recognition just like every other campus group.


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