Category: Courts

October 20, 2015
September 4, 2015
mugshot of Rowan County (KY) Clerk Kim Davis after she was found in contempt of court on September 3rd 2015
Rowan County (KY) Clerk Kim Davis after she was found in contempt of court on September 3rd 2015

Rowan County (KY) Clerk Kim Davis was jailed on Thursday 9/3 after being found in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in her county. She previously lost all of her appeals including a last ditch effort to have the US Supreme Court issue a stay. Of course reaction by the religious right is apocalyptic. The reality is Davis was jailed for not following the law – not for her religious beliefs.

From the Friendly Atheist:

August 13, 2015
official image of Rowan County (KY) Clerk Kim Davis
Rowan County (KY) Clerk Kim Davis

Federal court Judge David L. Bunning ruled against Rowan County Kentucky clerk of courts Kim Davis, Wednesday. Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the June 26th US Supreme Court Obergefell v. Hodges decision. The main points are that Davis’ religious freedom isn’t taken away in doing her sworn duty as clerk but her ‘no marriage licenses’ policy injures all residents of Rowan county.

The 28 page decision is full of delicious statements and rebuttals against Kim Davis’ lame arguments against doing her sworn duty. Here are some highlights:

July 30, 2015
image of theMount Soledad Cross

It was reported last week that the Federal government passed a law that allowed the land underneath the Mount Soledad Cross in San Diego to be sold to a private Christian front group. The sale seems to bring an end to a 26 year court battle to have the cross removed from a public park. The case and end result shows how hard some religious conservatives will fight for their privilege and for their symbols. It is a sad day for the 1st Amendment.

The Friendly Atheist has the latest:

June 15, 2015
May 21, 2015
painting of The Puritans landing in America
The Puritans

In the national debate over religious freedom and Religious Freedom Restoration Acts passed in some states, it’s important to define our terms. Religious freedom means one thing to religious conservatives and another thing for progressives who support church and state separation. I don’t know if it’s good to know the debate has been going on since the founding of this country.

Sheila Suess Kennedy at the Indianapolis Business Journal had a post about the history of religious freedom: