In this episode Doug talks to Sarah Levin from Secular Strategies, about her project Secular Democrats. Sarah discuss how the non-religious would find a good home in the Democratic party. She explains why the freedom to be a bigot is subverting religious freedom for all of us and finally they talk about the problem with Christian nationalists feeling entitled to our tax dollars.
Category: Podcast
In this episode, after a short statement about the non-indictments in the Breonna Taylor murder case, we try to find out why a Supreme Court vacancy was more different in 2016 than in 2020. Next Doug has a short interview with a friend who is running for elected office. Finally we discover if talking about anti-racism is racist.
In this episode Doug looks at another unjustified police shooting of a person of color in Kenosha Wisconsin and tries to figure out why a 17 year old with a police fetish murdered two protesters. Then he wonders why Speaker Nancy Pelosi lied when she claimed the national party would support incumbent Democrats this election year. Finally, he visits with the Secular Democrats of America at their first online meeting during the Democratic National Convention.
In this episode Doug talks about the soul of Governor Mike Dewine and why he wants to see us all dead. Doug looks at the fake outrage called cancel culture and like Big Foot, he can’t find it where people say it is. Finally, he brings up a recent John Oliver show about the Whitewashing of US History. All of this and a mention a new group in Ohio trying to bring us Ranked Choice Voting. It will be a hoot. Please join us.
In this episode, Doug asks why there are no millitary bases named for President Ulysses S. Grant who won the civil war for the north and the weak arguments people make to support keeping Confederate symbols. He talks about the wild complaints about wearing masks one California county government heard, and then shines a bright light on efforts of Christian nationalists to force religion in the public schools in Ohio under the cover of COVID-19 and religious freedom.
In this episode, recorded before the murder of George Floyd, Doug talks to activist Julian Mack, spokesperson for Community Solidarity Response Network of Toledo, about how the pandemic actually ripped open and laid bare the existing inequality we have in this country. We talk about the reforms needed in the criminal justice system including the end of cash bail and depopulating of the jails due to COVID-19. Finally we discuss the best path to changing the problems we face.