Category: Religious Intolerance

February 9, 2007

CNN’s extended speculation into the death of former Playmate Anna Nicole Smith bumped the expected interview with Richard Dawkins on Thursday’s edition of Paula Zahn Now.

Blogging sources say now that the interview is to be seen on Monday 2/12 (Darwin Day)

February 8, 2007
February 8, 2007

Karen Hunter and Debbie Schlussel’s comments were just plain factually wrong. Schlussel has an article on her website where she claims atheists are the next terrorists. It was like having members of the KKK complaining about civil rights. It was simply disgusting.

December 22, 2006

I mentioned in the previous post about the comments turd Dennis Prager said about an incoming Congressman wanting to use the Quran at his swearing-in photo op. Well it seems that Prager is now trying to disassociate himself from his own bonehead comments. But he still comes out being a turd – an uninformed turd.

December 4, 2006

Dennis Prager is a turd. Saying something without even doing some basic fact checking just to “fire up” the homeys shows he has shit for brains. And as he wanted, he shines a spot light on himself, and consequently turns the light on religious and political conservatives who are hypocrites when it comes to their support for religious liberty. His comments also cause an issue where no issue existed – much like Bill O’Reilly’s crusade for Christmas.

November 19, 2006

one2believe didn’t donate those dolls because they wanted some disadvantaged children to have a happy Christmas, they wanted to donate the dolls to indoctrinate as many children as possible into their cult.