After the Dover, PA smack down, people wondered what new cover Intelligent Design supporters would use to get their religious clap trap snuck into the schools. Now we know….
Tag: creationism
On December 20, 2005, Judge John E. Jones III, In The United States District Court For The Middle District Of Pennsylvania, ruled that the Dover District School Board violated the US Constitution when they changed the 9th grade Biology curriculum to include Intelligent Design (ID).
Some of the members of the Board who voted for the change didn’t even know what ID was all about.
The Judge also took to task some members who lied under oath and tried to cover their tracks when the change caused some issues for the community.
The most interesting bit from Barbara Forrest’s time on the stand was the introduction of an early draft of the text book “Of Pandas and People” that the Dover district included as a reference in their disclaimer about Evolution. The early drafts show that all the publisher did was replace all instances of the word “creationism” with the phrase “Intelligent Design”.