While signing a stupid law to ‘protect’ students and school officials’ ‘right’ to say ‘Merry Christmas’ and display other religious holiday claptrap on school grounds, Governor Rick Perry gave us proof he has absolutely no idea what ‘freedom of religion’ means. He has taken it upon himself to force religion into the public schools under the ruse that it is a right that needs protecting. Countless court rulings disagree with him. I really feel bad for the citizens of Texas who have to put up with such an ignorant leader.
Tag: Rick Perry
This weekend was the annual meeting of the religious right wing of the Republican party at the so-called Value Voters Summit. The name of the event is similar to other ironic names associated with cheap-labor conservatives like “Defense of Marriage Act” and “Clear Skies Act of 2003“. Being it’s election season, the current crop of GOP candidates show up to kiss the ring of the Family Research Council and they say some really stupid crap.
Newt Gingrich would ignore court rulings he didn’t agree with:
Texas Governor Rick Perry, a Republican, announced his intention to run for President of the United States. His overt religious views are a big concern. He recently hosted a prayer event in Houston’s Reliant Stadium that included major religious right groups like the American Family Association, people like Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and others. He has called on prayer to solve Texas’ drought and also for our current nationwide economic problems. It hasn’t worked yet.