Alexandra Pelosi is the daughter of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a filmmaker. She is best known for her documentary “Journeys with George” which showed the lighter side of George W. Bush in 2000. On Monday, February 16th on HBO, she turns her camera on how some conservative voters felt and acted during the recent 2008 Presidential election especially when Barack Obama won. It is her attempt to show there are at least two different countries in the US trying to coexist with each other.
Tag: Senator John McCain
During the most exciting and potentially historical Presidential election in our nation’s history, some pastor from Iowa decided to inject some unwanted “MY God is bigger than your God” religious clap trap into it.
John McCain’s pick as Vice President is Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Besides her good looks, youth, and lack of experience, Palin also brings along an unhealthy religious obsession seen in many evangelicals like President Bush. If McCain was trying to distance himself from Bush, he goofed in picking Palin.
Saw an article on the blog Crooks and Liars, by Steve Benen, that talks about John McCain’s cozy relationship with a pastor that says crazy things. The press seems not to care about Pastor Rod Parsley and John McCain.