Christian Zionists think they know Islam better than Muslims

This can’t be good. A Christian Zionist group called Proclaiming Justice to the Nations is paying the legal fees of one the plaintiffs in a lawsuit trying to prevent an expansion of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro Tennessee. While there is nothing wrong with suing a local government over zoning issues the Christian group is trying to argue that Islam is not a religion. Christians seem to have a problem when the first amendment gets in the way.

Hiring legal representation is not PJTN’s only connection to the lawsuit. The group has been active in Murfreesboro, holding events at the homes of mosque opponents and selling copies of its movies. As noted by the Murfreesboro Post, at least two of the plaintiffs’ witnesses — witnesses who testified that teaching from the Koran is “breaking the law” and that approving the mosque would lead to future “dangers” — have attended these events and given money to PJTN.

The group, which is based in Tennessee, is run by Laurie Cardoza-Moore. Cardoza-Moore believes, among other things, that nearly all Muslims — including those in middle Tennessee — follow a strict interpretation of the Koran: beating their wives, marrying children and killing dishonorable family members.

“Do I believe that Muslims subscribe to those things? If they are good Muslims, they will adhere to the Koran’s teachings. Do I believe it’s happening here? Yes,” she told TPMmuckraker.

Christian Zionist Group Is Helping Fund Lawsuit Against A Tenn. Mosque

Christian Zionists are Christians who support Israel and Judaism in order to fulfil bible prophecy. It seems that Jews gathered in Israel is one requirement for the second coming of Christ so Christian Zionists do all they can to keep Jews in Israel fight Islam.

This particular group – PJTN – uses the silly logic that a mosque equals terrorism and that the religion with the largest number of buildings wins. PJTN also seems to think they know Islam better than people who are Muslim.


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