Violent crime has spiked recently. Are we wasting time and money with more policing? Can having children be immoral? And where are the vigils and memorials for the thousands who died in the pandemic. One political party has blood on its hands and its initials are G. O. P.
Tag: covid-19
In this episode we take a look at the dumpster fire that is Ohio’s redistricting process after the 2020 census then we talk about the lack of research in the use of ivermectin as a treatment for Covid and the lengths one woman went to force a hospital to treat her husband with it. Finally we look at what we can do after the recent non-decision by the US Supreme Court concerning the ridiculous anti-abortion law that took effect in Texas recently.
In this episode, Doug is fed up with the idiot science deniers who keep pushing mask and vaccination mandate bans. Doug hates wearing a mask too but their failed logic, and that is being kind, will prolong the pandemic and harm people needlessly. Why do the people who do the right thing have to carry the petulant children who kick and stomp their feet. Enough is enough.
In this episode Doug talks about why people who do good things then turn bad shouldn’t be given a free pass just because they did something good previously. Then Doug talks about a recently fired Catholic priest who checked all the scary Trump fan club boxes when it comes to COVID 19.