Tag: religious bigotry

May 26, 2023
May 2, 2023

Transgender people, a minority of a minority, are currently the target of scapegoating in statehouses across the country. These efforts are being lead by conservatives to distract from their failed policies and unconstitutional gerrymandering.

March 26, 2023

In Ohio, a proposed amendment to protect abortion was allowed to start collecting signatures. Meanwhile, the forced-birth zealots are spending $5 million dollars to lie to Ohio voters about the amendment and their friends at the state house want to change the rules. Why do Republicans hate democracy??

March 9, 2023
August 3, 2022

Did the House Progressive Caucus betray their promise on the Build Back Better Act? Ohio Attorney General David Yost needs remedial Bible study and the gun fetish in Georgia leads to the canceling of a $10 million music festival.

April 25, 2022