Tag: religious freedom

August 9, 2010

For some odd reason the media has decided to focus on a small fringe of morons who get their “news” and “information” from FOX “News” or conservative talk radio. One of the idiotic messages the moron club is passing around is that all Muslims are terrorists looking to take over America and force Sharia law on all of us. These geniuses have taken to protesting the building of new Mosques. These people need a civics refresher.

August 4, 2010
July 9, 2010
June 30, 2010
June 28, 2010
June 24, 2010

Secular Coalition for America released a statement today opposing the nomination of Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. It says her previous legal views give concern that she may not strongly defend church state separation as the Justice she is suppose to replace. Their reasons are sound.