The People for the American Way reports that one our favorite TV preachers, Columbus’ own, Rev. Rod Parsley turned a recent edition of his program “Breakthrough” over to two right wing zelots.
Tag: Rod Parsley
Saw an article on the blog Crooks and Liars, by Steve Benen, that talks about John McCain’s cozy relationship with a pastor that says crazy things. The press seems not to care about Pastor Rod Parsley and John McCain.
On the October 5th edition of “Bill Moyers Journal” had a story about the group Christians United for Israel (CUFI) that is lead by televangelist Pastor John Hagee. In a recent seminar in Washington DC Hagee advocated a pre-emptive strike against Iran. The Journal story showed that the confluence of Christian Zionism and a President who never passed up an opportunity to advance religious based foreign policy is a danger not only to the world but to the Jews.
In checking out the stats for this website I have noticed many people come here after doing a search for web pages about Rev. Rod Parsley, who is the pastor of the mega World Harvest Church and host of the show Breakthrough. Since he helped Ken Blackwell lose the Ohio governorship in 2006, Parsley has been low key. But here is your bone Parsley searchers.

I guess the PR people at World Harvest Church were a bit upset at all the face time fellow electioneering minister Rev. Russell Johnson, senior pastor of the Fairfield Christian Church in Lancaster, was getting over the IRS complaint filed by clergy from 31 denominations this week. Rev. Rod Parsley, the founder and senior pastor of World Harvest, and television heart throb to shut-ins, came outside his lush estate in Canal Winchester, to speak to the unwashed of the media. A PR flack had previously made comments about the complaint.