GOP wants to stamp your uterus with “In God in We Trust”

Of course we all knew the Republicans who stormed to office this past November would continue their effort to cram their religious views down our throats. With close to 10% unemployment and the public demanding attention to creating jobs, Congressional Republicans instead want to stamp your uterus with the motto “In God We Trust”.

From the American Humanist Association:

Tell Your Representative To Vote “No” on H. Con. Res. 13

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, H. Con. Res 13, a resolution which reaffirms the official motto of the United States as “In God We Trust,” was passed in the House Judiciary Committee, and now faces general debate in the House. If passed on the House floor, the resolution would encourage the display of “In God We Trust” on public buildings, including government institutions and public schools.

Tell Your Representative To Vote “No” on H. Con. Res. 13

And of course the right wing nut jobs want to end abortion and here is one way of trying to do that.

GOP’s H.R. 3 abortion bill would require IRS to do “abortion audits”

Remember one of many big lies Republicans came up with to scare Americans about the Affordable Care Act, the one where the IRS would need 16,000 new agents to enforce health reform? Newt Gingrich pushed it, and Rep. Paul Ryan jumped on board saying that the IRS would get “16,000 agents to police this new mandate.”

It was, of course, patently untrue. But apparently the GOP liked the idea of IRS agents policing Americans’ healthcare decision so much they decided to adopt it as their own, but of course just apply it to women, and to abortion. Among the horrors of H.R. 3, the bill that redefined rape to only count if it was “forcible” (until enough people raised enough hell, they decided to drop it), is the degree to which abortion restrictions extend to private—not public—spending.

In H.R. 3, Republicans revive the mid-90s “Istook amendment” theory of the fungibility of money to include under their definition of “taxpayer funding for abortion” all tax deductions, credits or other benefits for the cost of health insurance, when that insurance includes under its plan coverage for abortion.

GOP’s H.R. 3 abortion bill would require IRS to do “abortion audits”

You know the drill. Call your Congress critter and let them know how you feel about these two bad bills. Unless you want the motto tattooed on your uterus?


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One Comment

  1. Unknown's avatar
    March 19, 2011

    Why do the republicans continue this charade of the Abortion issue ,when it is clear that they don't give a damn about women ,and children ? Why is the average dumb-ass so taken in by this obvious ruse on the part of the GOP? Are all Christians so stupid ? Do they not realize they are being used by the GOP as pawns ? So many questions ,so much ignorance mind overloading! Hey Man, Dave's not home !

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