Category: Podcast

July 13, 2021

In this episode Doug talks about why people who do good things then turn bad shouldn’t be given a free pass just because they did something good previously. Then Doug talks about a recently fired Catholic priest who checked all the scary Trump fan club boxes when it comes to COVID 19.

June 18, 2021

In this episode Doug goes into excuciating detail about two proposed Ohio laws that would prohibit the teaching or even acknowldgement of racism and sexism because it makes the people who’ve benifited from both very sad. Next Doug tells the story about the latest fight over abortion happening in a empty parking lot in Toledo. We also get introduced to the new theme music used for the show.

June 2, 2021

In this episode Doug goes on a rant about Memorial Day because it is used by people who have no clue about American values. Then Doug wonders how long can you be in business if you make fun of the Holocaust.

May 12, 2021

Just when you thought it was safe to ignore public health orders and send your children back to school, Doug looks at a new scary concept coming for your children. It is falsely labeled Critical Race Theory and it is sending white racist soccer moms screeching into school board meetings across the country so their children won’t have to talk about racism. Then Doug looks at an excellent news story from the local paper that refutes the reason for an uptick in violent crime forwarded by the police chief.

April 29, 2021

We as Americans pay for and expect a fair justice system. Unfortunately in real life it doesn’t work that way. You could be shot and killed for simply being black or poor or of if you are an elected official you are still being booked on political talk shows after trying to undermine our Democracy We also will look at the tone deaf super majority of Republicans in the Ohio legislature and find out how that is a problem for LGBTQ people.

April 13, 2021

We knew it would be bad for religious freedom when Trump was allowed to appoint three justices to the Supreme Court, once again a majority on the court pull a decision out of their ass to give the religious special privledge during a pandemic. We also update a previous segment on our broken election system and why Georgia’s law is obviously a return to the days of Jim Crow.